MMT8 Alesis OS upgrade V1.11 latest firmware

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MMT8 Alesis OS upgrade V1.11 latest firmware

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Product Information


O/S Upgrade Ver 1.11 

Firmware ROM

complete with instructions

FOR Alesis MMT-8 multi-track midi recorder

The latest & last update OS Firmware Ver 1.11

[Photo of display for you information, the MMT8 is not included in purchase]

Alesis MMT-8 Software Version History 



10/31/90 v1.11
If an empty part is selected, edit mode should not able to be entered. However, if an empty part is played, it is possible to enter edit mode, stop playing, and then insert events which will corrupt data. Now, Edit mode cannot be selected when playing an empty part.
If an empty part is recorded for 683 beats (either by recording through the entire part, or rewinding with loop on to a beat before 683 and punching in) without having set the length first, the length of the part will not be set properly, causing erroneous data in the Edit mode as well as other problems. This is now fixed.
If a part's length is changed from the top, any notes whose duration was a multiple of 256 clocks (2beats/64sub-beats, 5/32, 8/00, etc.) will have its duration altered such that the duration becomes 256 clocks (2/64) greater than it was previously. This is now fixed.


Product CodeFU09-v1.11

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